Thursday, February 6, 2014

Visit to Oriental Arts Museum derailed by Internal Transit Protest

Thursday February 6, 2014

Any of you who have ever followed my previous blogs have been aware that, at least once on each trip, an internal transit strike or protest has taken place.  Usually it is Bill who succumbs to  these, but this trip it was my turn.

All plans for visiting the Oriental Arts Museum yesterday were put on hold after a rather contentious assault during Tuesday night.  All sectors of the transit system were heard from in a rather strong and vigorous manner!  What a mess!!!!  No further details will be provided, suffice it to say that I did not venture further than 8 feet from my bed yesterday.

All appears well today, the sun is shinning, and we are going to make our way out to explore a bit more.

To the east a bit of  clear sky

To the west the sun is setting

I think this is the first time we have seen the moon since arriving,
a brief glimpse, though it was
This one's for  Cheryl, not so scary looking with the lights on

1 comment:

  1. Hello Paulette & Bill, I have been following your blogs and have been enjoying the photos and commentary. I admire your ability to "just do it". I thank you very much for sharing your adventures and experiences. It was great seeing the pictures and hearing about Rheaume & Cheryl visit. I was actually sad when it was time for them to depart. Their 3 weeks went way too quickly.
    When you first indicated you were going back to Italy, I thought maybe we might be able to meet but unfortunately you will be home by then. Glen and I are going with a tour group May 2 - May 15. We will be in Rome for the last two days of our journey. We cover part of Spain, southern France and the Italian Riviera. At the moment, we don't have the accommodations for Rome.
    Take care, safe touring and may the clock slow up so you can enjoy each moment while you're there.
