Friday, February 7, 2014

Off to Market we go

Friday February 7, 2014

It's 10 AM, the temperature is 9 degrees and it is sunny - looks like a good day ahead.  Rome traffic is chaotic as usual.  Riddle me this, why when approaching a main intersection do you not know where you want to go.  It is amazing how frequently, at least every hour if not more often, I see drivers in the curb turning lane decide that they really need/want to be in the lane, 4 lanes over, closest to the center line.  All this is done 3 car length (mini cooper car lengths at that) from the lights.  All of a sudden you see a car make a 90 degree turn and head straight across all four lanes, to be where they want/need to be!!!  All this with the street chock-a-block full of traffic.  In North America there would be road rage of the most intense kind going on - here - just  a lot of horn honking.

This is just a  minor example, the black car with the silver back was behind the white van as it was
 pulling to the intersection, suddenly it made a beeline for the right hand lane, achieving it just before
 the meridian.  At the same time the little light blue car which was travelling straight down the far right
 hand lane suddenly decided he needed to be 2 lanes over and succeeded in getting  wedged between
 the black car and the white car with the motorcycle in front of him.!!
All this took place in about a matter of 30 to 40 feet.

This morning we took off for Campo di Fiori - we have not had a proper visit there since we came,  It is the outdoor market.  We went twice when Rheaume and Cheryl were here, getting lost both times and eventually arriving as the market was closing and the garbage men were coming in and cleaning up.  Well today, we made it while the market was still on.  Rheaume and Cheryl, you will appreciate this, we still got lost getting there!!!  We ended up walking full circle around the market before we found our way in.  Priceless!!  I do not know why I have such a hard time finding it, it is just 2 blocks off the main drag, AND I know which bus stop to get off, but do you think I can find it?!?  Found some nice quiet little side streets though, and about 8 more churches - LOL.

Seen on the way to find the market

I don't think this was him at his best!

 Finally we have arrived

Mimosa - very fragrant - trees grow everywhere here - bunches of these are given
to women on March 8, Women's Day

Love the little white cabbage leaves that look like roses in the center of this little arrangement

Refreshment break, anyone?

Cleaning up the vegetables to sell

Artichoke season has started

Soup anyone, veggies are all ready chopped and mixed for you

How about a hat to keep your head from getting cold?



Little wild strawberries - so incredibly flavourful

Sun dried tomatoes


Romanesque Broccoli

Biggggg peppers

Huge braids of garlic - look at the rope to hang them

All varieties of squash

Fresh spring purple onions

Another type of escarole - this one with flecks of red throughout

Onions - more flat than round

Tomatoes of every colour

A bike ready for market

Colourful pottery

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