Saturday, February 1, 2014

Noah...........start building the boat!!!

Friday January 31, 2014

Well, I woke about 4 AM this morning to what only can be described as a deluge!  The noise as the rain was bouncing off the air conditioner units was almost deafening.  There was a little bit of thunder and lightening as well.

The skies had opened up and great puddles of water were forming all over the street in front of our apartment.  This carried on all day long.  Needless to say we did not venture far from the apartment today, except to go out for lunch, which we had in this funky little basement restaurant not far from the apartment.

It was generally a day of napping, catching up on our journaling, and visiting after 12 days of pretty steady going.  And of course the afternoon and evening ended with what has been come our habit of wine and/or rum drinks.  We found out later that there were some subway stations and train lines that had been flooded and some roadways were closed.  Not a good day to try and get around the city.

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