Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Jet lagged without the benefit of having travelled anywhere

Monday Feb 3, 2014

I am not sure how our travel companions feel after their return home late last night, but I hope it was not as tired as we feel today.  I am feeling as much jet lag today as we did on our travel day. Yesterday after seeing them off we returned to the city, but not to the apartment, because the housekeeper was due in to do the weekly linen change and general clean up.  We were both bagged right out.  It is hard to stay awake while you are walking around!!!

We finally came back to the apartment about noon, only to find that she still had not come.  We took turns napping waiting for her to show, she never did.  By the time the evening rolled around we could not crawl into bed soon enough.

Then today we were up early again, and had to be out of the apartment for 2 or 3 hours while the landlord repaired our water heater.  It had stopped working Friday night, and he could not get parts for it until today.  The water here has so much calcium in it that its starts to coat the heating element and eventually shorts it out.  This ended up tripping the main breaker for the apartment because the load was too high.

We are very fortunate in Canada that we never have to worry about this.  We just use and use and never think abut it until the bill comes next month to reminder how much we have used.  And then we still don't really think about how we might conserve, we just complain about how much it costs.  The landlord says that here, the load limit for the apartment is 3000 kWh, when it reaches that capacity, then the breaker goes and you have to adjust your usage.  Our hot water heater going all the time along with the oven, hairdryer, computer and lights proved to be too much of a load to handle.

It is late afternoon, heater is repaired, water is heating and later on we will be able to have our first shower in 3 days.  Cleanliness can be accomplished at the sink, but a shower is so much nicer!  It's now out to an early supper, Chinese I think, then home to an early bedtime to see if I can finally overcome this jet lag feeling.

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