Thursday, February 6, 2014

Oriental Arts Museum at last

Thursday February 6, 2014

Well, after about 36 hours, I am starting to fell better, ventured some food intake today, with no ill side effects.  The sun is shinning and all seems right with the world, so we are going to visit the National Museum of Oriental Arts.

Just a note about the weather - on the weather channel today it indicated the the high was going to be about 13 - a little on the chilly side so bring along your mitts and hat!!!!!  Bill and I are too hot, stripping down to minimal outerwear and that is still to warm for us.  Every where we are seeing people in their down jackets, scarves around their neck, headgear and gloves - come on people, it's not that cold!

We had a nice visit to the museum, and except for workers, we were the only people there.  It was clear that this is not a museum visited by many non-Italians, as there was no signage or literature in any other language than Italian.  The Museum had artifacts from all over the orient, from the middle east to Japan, including Thailand, India, Burma, Afghanistan, Nepal, Pakistan, China and Japan.  Religious artifacts from Islam and Buddhism were also on display.  There was supposed to also be an area of Korean antiqites but it was closed.  Also there was a temporary display of puppets from various countries.

So here are some pictures...fair warning.......I haven't posted any for a few days
 ....... there are more than a few.........
Murano glass chandelier



Gold leaf embellishments

Metal pots

Bronze container

Funeral cortege
Bronze bowl

Fertility Goddess -note the wide hips common to all fertility Goddesses

???? Another Fertility Godess ????

Reclining Buddha

what else??...a chicken pot

Indian fiqurine

Indian deity

large pot woven out of grasses (very fine)

Buddha and followers

part of a horses fittings

Musical instruments - string instrument in front,
xylophone like percussion instrument in back
and drum on the right 


Incense burner - there are actually 3 cats that make up this piece,
the third one is hidden

Ceramic plate from Islam with early use of metallic glazes

Armery - helmets, shield and possible sword handles

Bronze pot

Head from a statue - I love what looks like a lions head on top of her head

Tibetan or Nepalese banner

Ceramic pots - many had these long straight spouts

Decorated cloth with the images of people forming
the shape of a traditional Buddhist Stupa

One of many Indian deities

Not sure what this was meant to represent but I liked the way the light played on it

Tibetian jewellery

Nepalese jewellery

Another deity

...and another

.....and another

this one made me smile, hands legs and ears were out of proportion to the rest of the body,
and that impossibly thin waist


Glazed terracotta pot

this was tiny, about the size of  a tea cup, impossibly thin, with a delicate fluted edge

two Buddhist monks

beautiful bronzed copper vessel

horse fiqurine about 6 to 8 inches long

green jade rhinoceros carving


drinking vessel carved out of rhinoceros horn

white jade container

Pouring vessels shaped like animals, deer and camel

small ornaments for clothing, possibly buttons, shaped like wild boar (cinghale)

amber beads

Funeral scribe's kit with little pieces of flint to scribe words 

a puppet in the dress of an Indian Prince

an Indonesian shadow puppet

facial detail of shadow puppet - these are carved out of leather

a  bejewelled cabinet

large copper pot/kettle

carved wall relief

Tibetan mandala

more wall reliefs

loved the look of the top two guys,
especially the one with his hand in his mouth

tall bronze vase like containers

part of a carridge - these would be at the ends of the poles that
attch to the harness near the horses shoulder

bronze mirrors

I love this guy with his crazy look, tongue hanging out of his mouth
and his big pot belly - he had something to do with a funeral, but my
Italian  was not good enough to understand just what

Chinese fiqurines


A carved cocoa bean pod

AND DON'T FORGET..........

to always look up, you never know what you might be missing
dolphins at play

another ceiling painting

this handsome fellow was guarding the stairway up to the museum

a small courtyard outside the museum

Just thought I would throw this one in - in case you haven't had enough -
an impressive door knocker
seen on an equally impressive door on the way home

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