Tuesday, January 28, 2014

On strike?, or not on strike?, that is the question

Friday Jan 24, 2014

Well, according to everything I have read, there is to be a bus strike today.   So we saved going to the Colosseum until today as it is only about a 15 minute walk away.  An the walk is all downhill.  Cheryl and Rheaume are quickly learning that Rome is built on a series of hills, and like the old adage that we used to hear as kids from our parents about going to school and it being uphill both ways, so seems any walking that you do in Rome, It is always uphill no matter whether you are coming or going!

So off to the coliseum we head this morning.  Our weather has been sporadic so far,  with mixed sun and rain and lots of periods of grey.  The temperature has stayed steady between 10 and 12 degrees.  Today is starting out bright and sunny so that is a good start to a day that will be spent outside exploring ruins.

First stop of the day is San Clemente Church.  This is an 11th Century basilica built over top a 4th century basilica built over top of a 1st century pagan temple and street with  houses and a spring fed well that runs still today.  Various excavations over the years since the mid 19th century have lead to the discovery of the two older structures.  I find it interesting when reading the history of many of the churches in Rome, how many of the were built over top of places of pagan worship.  Was it because they were already felt to be a spiritual place or was it almost as an insult to the pagan believers to not only outlaw their beliefs (in the 3rd century Constantine decreed that Christianity would be the spiritual beliefs to be followed and pagan beliefs were outlawed) but to completely take over place of worship as well.  Even St Peter's Basilica is built on a site of pagan worship.  History is fascinating, isn't it!

I am sorry we have no pictures as they are not allowed, but I have gone on line and gleaned a few good ones to represent what we saw.

Inside 11th Century Basilica
the remains of a 4th Century fresco 
some of the floor of the 4th century basilica

1st century pagan temple or Mythrium
Next we finally made the Colosseum.

schematic showing how the coliseum was structured
? explaining the finer details of ???

inside the coliseum at last

partially reconstructed floor of the coliseum showing the
 underground cages etc. in the background

comparing head sizes

Rider Nation is alive and well in Rome 

Inside tiers 
underground areas where animals would be caged

Now on to the Roman Forum
Roadway typical of the time of Julius Cesar

impressed by the grandeur of it all

On the Via sacra into the Roman Forum

Roman Forum
Roman Forum
Church at the top of a hill, after we had all ready just
 climbed  another hill to get here.  We did not make the
trek up to this one

Our final sight of the day was a stop in front of the Italian Parliament building, some times referred to as the "Wedding Cake" or the "Typewriter" because of it's resemblense to those two objects.

The weather held all day, about 10 degrees with a light breeze, so really nice for wandering around outside.

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